West Virginia University
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) has not yet been reported in West Virginia, however other cyst nematode species occur.
SCN Management Recommendations
If you suspect an SCN infestation:
- Submit a soil sample and/or plant sample (with roots and surrounding soil included) to the WVU Nematode Diagnostic Lab.
- Collect a pint to a quart of soil (selected from random locations across a field, or from suspected hot spots) in a plastic bag.
- Include grower’s name, mailing address, telephone and e-mail, crop and variety, and the location of the field (county and street address).
Mail to:
WVU Nematode Diagnostic Lab
Division of Plant and Soil Sciences
West Virginia University
G-105 SAS, PO Box 6108
1194 Evansdale Drive
Morgantown, WV 26506
West Virginia University Experts