Arkansas Video Collection
Southern Root Knot Nematode Populations are Climbing
Soybean growers could see there was a problem. University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Plant Pathologist Travis Faske explains that due to free nematode sampling sponsored by the Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board, southern root knot nematode is the most common species being detected.
Why is Root Knot Highly Concentrated in Southern States?
Over time, the pest spread and populations increased. University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Plant Pathologist Travis Faske explains why southern root knot nematode is spreading in the South and urges soybean growers to test soil.
How Do I Successfully Manage Southern Root Knot Nematode?
It starts by knowing population densities. University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Plant Pathologist Travis Faske explains the tools available to manage southern root knot nematode, which starts by knowing the population density.
Applied Research Answers Farmers’ Questions
Determine if a tool will be effective. University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Plant Pathologist Travis Faske says applied research helps researchers determine if the tools being developed to combat southern root knot nematode will be effective in farmers’ fields.
This project was made possible with support from these Coalition partners.