Let’s Talk Todes Video Library
Let’s Talk Todes.
In this video series, join the conversation with growers and scientists who are battling the No. 1 yield-grabbing pest of soybeans. Growers, scientists and soybean checkoff leaders share best management practices and highlight how partnerships and a checkoff investment in SCN-related research are bringing new tools to combat SCN.
This project was made possible with support from these Coalition partners: BASF, North Central Soybean Research Program, Nufarm, Syngenta, United Soybean Board and Valent.
SCN is North America’s most damaging soybean pathogen
Did you know SCN causes more than a billion dollars’ worth of yield loss each year? Iowa State University Nematologist Greg Tylka explains why SCN is the most damaging pathogen of the soybean crop in North America.
This project was made possible with support from these Coalition partners.